
วันอังคารที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Earth Medicine Thank you

Artist Lee Bogle

Earth Medicine Thank you, 
Mother, for teaching me 
To lift my heart in praise, 
Filling my spirit with gladness 
For blessings of the Beauty Way. 
You have taught me how to sing, 
How to rejoice, dance, 
and drum, And how to sing my gratitude 
For the abundance that will come. 
You have shown me the magic 
of A change in mind and heart, 
An attitude made of wisdom 
That celebration of life impart. 
I sing the truth of thankfulness 
When I greet Grandfather Sun, 
Then send my love to Mother Earth 
For the life force that makes us one. 

~Jamie Sams~


